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Fairfax Neighbor Notification

The Fairfax town council passed their “neighbor notification” ordinance 5 to 0. Modeled after a similar bill from New York it requires all neighbors spraying more than 9 sq. feet to notify neighbors within 150 feet 48 hours in advance. Now the state of California Department of Pesticide Regulations has threatened to sue the city.

By taking this Pledge you agree to the following endorsement statement:

The use of pesticides on Fairfax parks, open space parcels and public rights of way and buildings owned and maintained by the Town of Fairfax, is hereby prohibited.

Neighbor notification: Prior to the use of pesticides on private property notice shall be required.

Neighbors of the affected properties shall receive a minimum of 48 hours notice prior to the application of pesticides.

Note: Integrated Pest Management is only a stepping stone to getting to complete elimination of pesticides. It can be used by some agencies as an excuse to use pesticides so community oversight is essential and must be continual to achieve that safe community.

Pesticide Free Zone, Inc. is a nonprofit 501 C3 organization and contributions are tax deductible.

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